President Message

Ajitkumar R. Patni PRESIDENT

Dear Students and Staff,

Greetings for the day !

Our vision at Suwalal Patni Arts and Commerce College, Pulgaon has always been the betterment and progress of students and society. First and foremost, I want to thank each and every one of you for your continued dedication and commitment to our college community. This past year has been unlike any other, and the challenges we have faced have been significant. However, through it all, our students and faculty have remained resilient and focused on achieving their goals. I am incredibly proud of the accomplishments we have made as a college. Our students have excelled academically, and also have excelled in sports by earning prestigious awards and scholarships, and participating in impactful service projects. Our faculty members have continued to demonstrate their expertise and dedication to teaching and organising multiple extra-curricular activities and events, persevering through the challenges of virtual instruction and finding innovative ways to engage with students.

To our graduating students, I extend my warmest congratulations. You have worked hard to reach this milestone, and your accomplishments are a testament to your dedication and perseverance. I look forward to hearing about all that you achieve in your future endeavors. Thank you again for your contributions to our college community. I am constantly inspired by the incredible work that takes place on our campus.